Stichting VALK Apps

App Paura di Volare? 1.1.0
Stichting VALK
pp Volare di Paura di Volare? No Problem! Iltuo terapeuta è con te.E' disponibile l'App Volare di Paura di Volare? No Problem! e tunon sarai più solo con la tua paura di volare. Ti accompagneremonei momenti più cruenti legati all'aereo, cioè dalle settimane oaddirittura dai mesi prima di un viaggio, prima di un volo, inaeroporto o dentro l'aereo, perchè grazie a questa applicazione noisaremo con te. Ti aiuteremo praticamente (insegnandoti alcunisegreti della mente), con esercizi (imparando a gestire i livellidi stress), mediante suggerimenti e offrendoti una guida specificaper gestire il panico.L'App si basa su un metodo di trattamento scientificamentevalidato e che è usato dal gruppo di lavoro Paura di Volare? NoProblem!, con una percentuale di successo nel trattamento pari al98%.L'App è consultabile durante il volo. Una volta scaricata l'App,non è infatti necessario avere la connessione internet.Paura di Volare? No Problem! è un Progetto di cura sviluppatodall’Azienda ASP di Palermo, Laboratorio per i DisturbiPsicosomatici, in collaborazione con la Wind Jet, la Gesap el’ENAV. L’Azienda ha sancito un accordo di collaborazione conl’istituto che si occupa in Olanda della risoluzione della paura divolare, la “VALK Foundation”. È dalla collaborazione conquest’ultima che è stata realizzata questa Applicazione.pp of Flying Fear ofFlying? No Problem! Your therapist is with you.It 'available in the App Flying Fear of Flying? No Problem! and youare no longer alone with your fear of flying. We will accompany youin the most bloody-related plane, ie from weeks or even monthsbefore from a trip, before a flight, at the airport or in theplane, because thanks to this application we will be with you.We'll help you practically (teaching you some of the secrets of themind), with exercises (learning to manage stress levels), by givingyou tips and specific guidelines to manage the panic.The app is based on a method of treatment that is scientificallyvalidated and used by the working group Fear of Flying? NoProblem!, With a success rate in the treatment of 98%.The App is available during the flight. Once you've downloadedthe app, there is no need to have internet.Fear of Flying? No Problem! is a project of care developed bythe ASP Palermo, Laboratory for psychosomatic disorders, incollaboration with Wind Jet, the Gesap and the ATC. The Company hasestablished a collaboration agreement with the institution thatdeals in the Netherlands of the resolution of the fear of flying,"Valk Foundation." It is a collaboration with the latter that hasbeen made this Application.
Flight App VALK 1.1.2
Stichting VALK
Flight App, courtesy of the VALK Foundation:Your in-flight therapist.Never be alone with your fear of flying. The VALK Flight Appwill coach you through difficult flying moments. Whether it’s weeksor months prior to your journey, just before your flight, at theairport or on the airplane: with this App your in-flight therapistis with you all the way. The App provides you with facts, so yourmind stops telling you the things that make you afraid, withexercises to reduce your stress level, handy tips and a specialpanic button option.The app is based on scientifically researched methods oftreatment as used by the VALK Foundation during their regulartherapeutic training sessions.The VALK Foundation has a 98% success rate and is a non-profitorganization.You can use the Flight App during the flight with your phone inairplane mode. Once the app is downloaded you do not need anInternet connection.The main menu includes:The Flight, The Facts, Relaxation Techniques, The Panic Buttonand Further Information.The FlightHere you find information and tips about what you can do beforeyour trip, what happens during take-off, the cruise flight,turbulence and landing.The FactsHere you find amongst other things: facts about flying (amini-aviation course), important statistics, information about theeffects of fear, and tips for your well-being during theflight.Relaxation TechniquesThis part offers you a text and an audio version of a relaxationexercise.The Panic ButtonWhen you are very afraid, the panic button can help. By pushing thepanic button you immediately activate an audio message and atherapist helps you to decrease your tension levels.InformationThe VALK Foundation is a collaboration between Air France KLM,Transavia, Arkefly, Martinair, Leiden University and AmsterdamAirport Schiphol. The institute was founded in 1989 and treatspeople with fear of flying and related complaints, based on yearsof scientific research. Together with the Department of Clinicaland Health Psychology of Leiden University, the VALK Foundationdoes on-going research into the treatment of fear of flying.Together with other universities and treatment facilities weperform international investigations on the topic of fear offlying.
Vlieg App 1.0.0
Stichting VALK
Vlieg App of the VALK Foundation. Yourtherapist on the go.Never be alone with your fear of flying. The Flight App of theVALK Foundation is available . We coach you through difficulttimes. Whether it be weeks or months for a voyage, before flight,at the airport or the aircraft, we are with you with this App. Wehelp you with facts (so your mind will stop do tricks on you), withexercises (your stress level immediately drops), with tips and aspecial panic button control.The app is based on scientifically researched method oftreatment which uses VALK Foundation during the regular therapeutictraining.VALK Foundation has a 98% success rate and has no profit.You can run the flight the app during airplane mode. Once theapp is downloaded, there no need for internet connection.
Medo de Voar App 1.1.1
Stichting VALK
Medo de Voar App , cortesia da Voar Sem Medo:o seu terapeuta a bordo.Se tem medo de viajar de avião, nunca mais se sinta sozinho. AMedo de Voar App vai acompanhá-lo nos momentos mais difíceis. Sejasemanas ou meses antes da sua viagem, imediatamente antes do voo,no aeroporto ou já dentro do avião: com esta App o seu terapeuta abordo estará ao seu lado durante toda a viagem. A App vai ajudá-locom factos para que a sua mente pare de lhe dizer coisas que odeixam assustado , exercícios para reduzir o seu nível de stress,várias dicas e um botão especial para o pânico.Esta App baseia-se em métodos terapêuticos de eficáciacientificamente comprovada, utilizados pela Voar Sem Medo e pelaVALK Foundation.Pode usar a Medo de Voar App durante a viagem, em modo de voo.Uma vez descarregada, não necessita estar ligado à internet.O menu principal inclui:O Voo, Os Factos, Técnicas de Relaxamento, Botão do pânico e OutrasInformações.O VooAqui vai encontrar dicas acerca do que pode fazer antes da viagem einformação acerca do que acontece durante a descolagem, no voo,turbulência e aterragem.Os FactosPara além de outros tópicos, aqui vai encontrar: factos acerca dovoo (um mini-curso de aviação), estatísticas importantes,informação acerca dos efeitos do medo e dicas para se sentirconfortável durante o voo.Técnicas de RelaxamentoEsta parte oferece um exercício de relaxamento em versão escrita eem áudio.Botão do PânicoQuando sentir muito medo, o botão do pânico pode ajudar. Premindoeste botão, ativa imediatamente uma mensagem de áudio em que o seuterapeuta a bordo o ajuda a baixar os níveis de tensão.InformaçãoA Voar sem Medo resulta duma colaboração com diversas entidadesaeronáuticas portuguesas: INAC, ANA, NAV, APTCA e APPLA. Foifundada em 2011 e dedica-se ao tratamento especializado de todosaqueles que têm dificuldade em viajar de avião, com base em métodoscientíficos. A Voar sem Medo é também parceira do centro holandêsVALK Foundation, um dos primeiros e mais prestigiados centros deinvestigação e tratamento da fobia de voo a nível mundial, fundadona Holanda em 1989. Juntamente com algumas universidades e outrasunidades de tratamento, realizamos investigação internacionalacerca do medo de voar. Esta App é uma produção conjunta da VoarSem Medo e da VALK Foundation.Fear of Flying App,courtesy of Fly Without Fear: your therapist on board.If you are afraid of flying, I never feel alone. The Fear ofFlying App will accompany you in difficult times. Be weeks ormonths before your trip, just before the flight, at the airport oralready inside the plane: this App with your therapist on boardwill be at your side throughout the trip. The App will help youwith the facts so that your mind will stop saying things that makeyou scared, exercises to reduce your stress level, several tips anda special button for panic.This App is based on methods of therapeutic efficacyscientifically proven, used by the Flying Without Fear and the VALKFoundation.You can use the Fear of Flying App while traveling in flightmode. Once discharged, need not be connected to the internet.The main menu includes:The Flight, The Facts, Relaxation Techniques, Panic Button andOther Information.The FlightHere you will find tips on what you can do before the trip andinformation about what happens during takeoff, in flight, landingand turbulence.The FactsIn addition to other topics, here you will find: facts about flight(a mini-course in aviation), vital statistics, information on theeffects of fear and tips to feel comfortable during the flight.Relaxation TechniquesThis part provides a relaxation exercise in written and audioversion.Panic ButtonWhen you feel a lot of fear, the panic button can help. Pressingthis button immediately activates an audio message in which yourtherapist on board helps to lower stress levels.InformationThe Flying without Fear results from a collaboration with variousentities aeronautical Portuguese: INAC, ANA, NAV, and Aptca APPLA.It was founded in 2011 and is dedicated to the specializedtreatment of all those who have difficulty in traveling by plane,based on scientific methods. The Flying without Fear is also apartner of the Dutch center VALK Foundation, one of the first andmost prestigious centers for research and treatment of flightphobia worldwide, founded in the Netherlands in 1989. Along withsome universities and other treatment units, conductedinternational research on the fear of flying. This App is a jointproduction of Fly Without Fear-VALK Foundation.